RMTV Training Session – Wednesday 12th February, 3pm: Overactive Bladder (OAB) and Interpretation of Urodynamic Studies by Dr TJ Ong via Zoom
RMTV Training Session - Wednesday 12th February, 3pm: Overactive Bladder (OAB) and Interpretation of Urodynamic Studies by Dr TJ Ong via Zoom
Dear All,
Next week, RMTV are proud to present Dr Tee Juan “TJ” Ong (Geriatrician) present on the Overactive Bladder and Interpretation of Urodynamic Studies on Wednesday 12th February @3pm via Zoom. This session is highly valued for those trainees preparing for the fellowship exams.
Dr Ong graduated from the University of Melbourne and completed his Geriatric Medicine training in 2012. He works as a Geriatrician at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, consulting in the Continence Clinic, conducting urodynamic studies, education and research. He is a highly valued and regular contributor to our training program. We are extremely grateful for his time.
Meeting details:
Topic: Overactive Bladder and Interpretation of Urodynamic Studies
Date/Time: Wednesday 12th February, 3-5pmPresenter: Dr Tee Juan “TJ” Ong (Geriatrician)Venue: via ZoomZoom Meeting ID: 619 791 5387Join Zoom MeetingLook forward to your attendance next week.
If possible, could you please have your videos on and your microphones muted when joining the meeting.
Kind regards,